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Real-life Lessons, Courses and Mentorship from Masterminds, Experts & Game-Changers

Step-By-Step Business Training

Business Training

Increase your success with real-world, bite-size courses designed to help you grow, develop and build your business.

On-Demand and Live Mentorship

On-Demand and
Live Mentorship

Gain access to personal growth and development mentors that can help you reach your full potential.

Events, Resources, and Events

Events, Resources,
and Events

Participate in events, download documents, graphics and more to jumpstart you to the finish line.

Collaboration and Connections

Collaboration and

Join a community that is routing for you to win in every area of your personal life and business endeavors.

Become a Student and get an "Entrepreneur Ivy League Classic T-Shirt" and access to our Founder's Circle for absolutely FREE.

Become a Student and get an "Entrepreneur Ivy League Classic T-Shirt" and access to our Founder's Circle for absolutely FREE.

Become a Student and get an "Entrepreneur Ivy League Classic T-Shirt" and access to our Founder's Circle for absolutely FREE.

Become a Student and get an "Entrepreneur Ivy League Classic T-Shirt" and access to our Founder's Circle for absolutely FREE.

What Entrepreneur Ivy League Students Are Saying...

Cynthia O.

I love the way Sonja coaches and mentors. It’s like she’s in the room with you and more importantly – the step-by-step process works.

Sarah B.

Her style of teaching is second to none. If you’re trying to get something done without the learning curve, EIL is it.

James G.

The community is truly unlike anything I have experience. The step-by-step classes are exactly what I needed.

Katrina W.

I was skeptical about buying yet another course, but, after taking my first course, I have been amazingly hooked.

Tamera R.

EIL has been that sacred place for me. I struggled to launch a business. Since joining, I’ve skyrocketed.

About Entrepreneur Ivy League

Entrepreneur Ivy League provides results-focused education and mentorship to entrepreneurs. Training and step-by-step courses are based on real-world business success and proven strategies.

Gain the most valuable advice, insight, and knowledge in information-packed modules to push the needle and take your business skills to the next level.

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